Monday, June 2, 2008

Copenhagen Marathon: 4:08:00!

Completed the copenhagen marathon in 4 hours and 8 minutes. It was a disappointing result! Lesson learnt, there is not substitute for hard work... I was travelling in India for 3 weeks before the marathon and skipped couple of long runs and it came back to bite me in the race. I also did not do enough milage during the training. But net net I was happy that I was able to finish with a respectable time without much training.

I am not sure what my next goal is, if I am still in Iceland in August I plan to run half a marathon in 1:40:00.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Copenhagen Marathon 2008

I decided a couple of days ago to run the Copenhagen Marathon 2008. Here is the training schedule so far, I have to admit have not been running as regularly as I wanted to and that is one of the reason that I am signing up to run the Marathon. It forces me to work on a goal. Anyway, will be posting my training update on a regular basis. The weather in Iceland has been quite cold, it has been snowing more than ever.

Here is the training worksheet so far... I have had more practice runs than this but I did not capture it as it was on a treadmill.

Monday, January 21, 2008

10KM in 53:09 & Chicken Pox

The weather was horrible with 10 to 15 m/sec wind, but I ran the race and finished in 53 minutes and 9 seconds. Here is the official result, I was planning to run another 10KM race the following week but as my luck would have it I got Chicken Pox, I can assure you that this was the MOST HORRIBLE experience of my life. I felt like I was trapped in a twilight zone and my worst nightmare together.

I had breakouts through out my body, my face, my head... you name it and I had a break out. The fever ran almost all the way upto 42 degrees centigrade. Doctor came to my house as it was a contagious disease and they had to give me a combination of painkillers and fever reducers to prevent my fever from getting to dangerous levels.

I have been in bed from January 10 to January 17. I am glad it is over. The best part of this is disease is that I have lost about 3 kgs, now I just need to maintain my weight and get back to running. I tried running but I was too weak, I will get back on the running trail again... wish me luck!